Monday, April 4, 2016

Image result for guess

One of my favorite logos is the guess jeans logo. It is a very simple design, with a white triangle with a red outline. The font is not very fancy, leaving it a rather simplistic design, without any  details except for the question mark in the center. The white background brings more attention to  the lettering in the middle, because  all  the letters are capitals. These strategies make the logo memorable and easy to understand.

I like how all the logos have one central point all have one comon center. I like the simplicity of the color just black and white i like how easily i can tell what the brand is.
 I like how all the logos have one central point all have one comon center. I like the simplicity of the color just black and white i like how easily i can tell what the brand is.i like the small lines and the hint of orange.
 like how all the logos have one central point all have one comon center. I like the simplicity of the color just red and white i like how easily i can tell what the brand is. i like the tiger scrach nail thing.
 like how all the logos have one central point all have one comon center. I like the simplicity of the color just black and white i like how easily i can tell what the brand is. i liek how the letters are in pixel form.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


My stance for this project was that the pay gap based on gender is not fair. I decide to make it very simple. I did not want to be all up on people faces. I believe that my very simple approach is effective because the jars show a very big difference in payment. Is an effective way of showing how big the gap is , its easier for a person to understand what the issue is when they can see it visually instead of me just saying numbers and research at them. Picture stick with people more then words do.I feel the fact that the words are different fonts and color bring more attention to them. The simplicity make is affective.

I feel I was successful in recreating my thumbnail drawing. One of my initial ideas was to have two different jars, just simply showing that their is a huge different in payments. I have all the elements i had initially came up with, not in the same other or placement i had planned . i like how it turned out because when i initially tried recreating one of my ideas it seemed very clutter and unreadable. I feel that although  it does not have everything i originally planned it came out great. I like how it is very simple and readable. I like how cute it is now. The color are more interesting and the words are readable. 

The changes that were made from my original poster was everything. I changed the color , and i changed the whole concept. I decide to go with my other more simple idea. This one was very cluttered and had too many things and my ideas were not being express properly. I changed everything because it was confusing me and if I'm confused my audience would be confused too. The color scheme was too simple.I wanted the poster to look simple but interesting  at the same time. This poster was cluttered and confusing to the eye.

I would say my poster is strongest on concept because my idea is clear and i keep a clear message in the whole poster.I only used one idea and i keep it very clean and organized. I feel the weakest will be design because my poster is very simple and looking around people have very elaborate things i feel my poster is not as interesting or new to the concept. I feel i could have done more so i might lose some points in that area.

The most challenging part of the project concept was coming in with 25 ideas that were different i did not want to seem repetitive. It was hard because i would think of something but then i would get stuck on it concept was a got stuck and my my would not want to change.

Technically it was hard placing the pictures because i would fix it on photo shop but when i moved it to illustrator it would be pixalated or the background would be white. When i tried to remove the background i would end up cutting the wrong parts. Technically it was hard to edit the photos because i would start out with an idea and then it would would not come out like i wanted. It was hard to move thing around because when i rastorized it would take a long time to load.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Stance
Im something that I have a very strong opinion is equal pay in the workplace. It has always been known that men make more then women for doing the same job. Earlier this year there was the sony hack where lots of information was discovered. Something that was seen was how women were being paid less then men with whom they were co-staring with Jennifer Lawrence had a very strong opinion on the issue and I agree with her there should be equal pay everywhere it does not matter in what industry one works. Women should be payed the same as men for doing the same jobs.
Another issue that bothers me is animal cruelty people get pets to just abuse them. That makes me so angry they're no need to abuse an innocent creature they are not the reasons for ones problems. I find it an unnecessary thing they're no need to abuse an animal they provide love not hate.  I believe they're is no need to abuse someone who has not done anything to you.

HIstory Of Posters

What characteristics of the Japanese wood block prints attribute to the French posters during the 1880s?

  • The characteristics embraced by the french from the Japanese block prints were their use of bright colors, Flat figures and Black outline.
  • also they also focused on the beauty of their culture in the Japanese painting their lots of culture that influence the french to start showing their culture too.

Of the Early European Illustrated Posters- which poster and designer attracted your eye? What about their design style do you like? Do you see it's relevance in graphic design today?

  • Edward Penfield work catches my eye because it seems very simple compared to the other two around it. It has a very clear focal point my eye goes directly to the women nothing else. While the other one my eye moves around to look at the background. The color are dark so it catches my attention its different from the other two. I like how its just in one part of the page i don't have to look around to find other things. I like how it has small pops of color. Is see the relevance of it. It shows how we still do similar things just in different ways back then thing were drawn while now is made in a computer.

In the Cubism Meets the Airbrush tab- How are these posters different than the Early European work? How would you describe the style? 

  • The cubism posters has a more abstract feeling while the European were trying to give a more realistic feeling. The cubism focuses more on geometric shapes. Also they focus on more of a darker feeling the European ones had soft color and flowers and a very delicate feel. While cubism has more of a dark feel with the colors and demon looking things and the person that looks like its being torture . Cubism was very attention grabbing makes you make to look twice.

For the Photographic Posters- choose one of the artwork that appeals to you and how do you think they created these posters without Photo shop? Brief explanation on how you think they did it. 

  • The photo montage or Collage? poster grabbed my attention because of all the pieces it has . Its very cluttered and layered. I believe that the artist took a bunch of images and cut them out then glued then on. After layering everything he or she simple printed it. I assume all the work was done by hand.

From the Swiss Posters, choose one poster where the composition has a clear focal point, then choose one where the composition has movement/dynamic. Explain why you chose them. 

  • The Swiss international style poster has a very clear focal point immediately one eye goes to the golden mountain. That the part that stand out because the other colors are very close in tone .
  • The Herbert matter has a lot of movement because we have have the face of the women in the front but in the background we have people. that are skiing with gives it the feel of movement.