Tuesday, March 22, 2016


My stance for this project was that the pay gap based on gender is not fair. I decide to make it very simple. I did not want to be all up on people faces. I believe that my very simple approach is effective because the jars show a very big difference in payment. Is an effective way of showing how big the gap is , its easier for a person to understand what the issue is when they can see it visually instead of me just saying numbers and research at them. Picture stick with people more then words do.I feel the fact that the words are different fonts and color bring more attention to them. The simplicity make is affective.

I feel I was successful in recreating my thumbnail drawing. One of my initial ideas was to have two different jars, just simply showing that their is a huge different in payments. I have all the elements i had initially came up with, not in the same other or placement i had planned . i like how it turned out because when i initially tried recreating one of my ideas it seemed very clutter and unreadable. I feel that although  it does not have everything i originally planned it came out great. I like how it is very simple and readable. I like how cute it is now. The color are more interesting and the words are readable. 

The changes that were made from my original poster was everything. I changed the color , and i changed the whole concept. I decide to go with my other more simple idea. This one was very cluttered and had too many things and my ideas were not being express properly. I changed everything because it was confusing me and if I'm confused my audience would be confused too. The color scheme was too simple.I wanted the poster to look simple but interesting  at the same time. This poster was cluttered and confusing to the eye.

I would say my poster is strongest on concept because my idea is clear and i keep a clear message in the whole poster.I only used one idea and i keep it very clean and organized. I feel the weakest will be design because my poster is very simple and looking around people have very elaborate things i feel my poster is not as interesting or new to the concept. I feel i could have done more so i might lose some points in that area.

The most challenging part of the project concept was coming in with 25 ideas that were different i did not want to seem repetitive. It was hard because i would think of something but then i would get stuck on it concept was a got stuck and my my would not want to change.

Technically it was hard placing the pictures because i would fix it on photo shop but when i moved it to illustrator it would be pixalated or the background would be white. When i tried to remove the background i would end up cutting the wrong parts. Technically it was hard to edit the photos because i would start out with an idea and then it would would not come out like i wanted. It was hard to move thing around because when i rastorized it would take a long time to load.

1 comment:

  1. Your poster's stance is awesome! I like how you used the coin jar and checks to show how obvious the gap is between men and women's pay. I also like you uplifting color scheme, showing that a solution is definitely possible!
