Friday, October 16, 2015


  1.   The letter project was a very interesting experience. At first when I was assigned my letter I was not very sure what I could do with it. When I got "S" I said okay I can do a snake in the shape of an "S: and get it over with.In my mind I say I'm done now I do my finale. When the thumb nail sketch assignment came up I was uninspired because we needed 20 and I had no ideas on what to do. I just drew random things that came to mind and saw how they came out.I really had no theme when drawing. I had very basic Ideas. For my brain storm section i just wrote word that started with the letter "S" like snake , soup and salad. At first it was hard for me to get ideas because nothing i was drawing was really catching my attention. I way I got my finale idea was I just searched random pictures and then aw this girl power thing and liked it and built my idea around. When we had to choose two that we wanted to do I choose girl power and the solar system idea. I put more work on the girl one because i was in love with the idea. The ideas and suggestion from the rest of my class mates helped I lot because the idea was developed but the composition was not as developed.The process helped me get lots of my ideas in place.
My concept was girl power and the ideas I used was to draw a girl with a superman symbol on her arm. I was trying to show the Trent in her. I choose to make the "S" go around her body. Inside the "S" I put makeup and things girls use. I wanted to show strength and how girls can be powerful but still be girly. I had things like lipstick,nail polish and eyeliner.I used pink as my background because is considered a girly color but also make everything stand out because is a bright color.I put things that are typical in a girls life. I tried to make the colors as dark as possible. I wanted the background and the "S" to stand out because that's the main focal point. The girl was in light colors so you can see her better

The most challenging aspect of the project was getting everything to fit in cleanly, A very time i drew something things got smudged with made the page look dirty and mess. Then i tried drawing more dark but then when i tried erasing the mark would still stay. The drawing part was hard because things were not coming out as planned and the work was looking messy.

After finishing my project I'm very satisfy on how it came out. I like how the project came out. It wasn't easy to get all the details I wanted to get more details in but I wasn't possible because the project was starting to look messy. I had to start over but my second piece was satisfying. I like how the letter stands out. I like the colors an how they came together i feel my piece is pretty good.I feel I followed the requirement and still had my personally in the project.

If I could change or do something differently I would have made the background differently. I would have made the "S" more present in the background. I would have maybe drawn some "s" shape objects around the background in case people didn't understand the s around the